The Story Behind Our Name
We continue the series of #WhoAreTheRebelDots with the story behind our name.
It all started with an announcement made by our CEO.
Learning that we are going to create a new identity for our newly acquired Services division was the perfect opportunity to put our brain and creativity to work.
First things first, we had to come up with a name. A name. For a company. How cool is that? Challenge accepted!
Internal contest
The best creativity booster was an internal contest. We have created a form where everybody was able to submit suggestions. A month later we gathered to go over the ideas.
Do you know that feeling when you know what you want but you can’t find the words to express it? That happened to us!
50+ ideas later we still hadn’t found something good enough. Something that captures the vision of our company and our team culture. Something catchy and out of the box.
The challenge seemed to be, indeed, a difficult one. But we never gave up on achieving what we wanted before, and this was not going to be a first for us.
So, we continued to brainstorm and to gather ideas. During lunch breaks, in the elevator, via email, everybody was talking about the name. THE name.
In the end, we selected 3 options as finalists. And, as in any creative process, we ended up choosing another name. The 4th one. The one that wasn’t in any list but that made us say ‘’This is the one!’’ when our colleague, Vlad, came up with the idea.
What does it mean?
'' Rebel is a person who stands up for their own personal opinions despite what anyone else says. A true rebel stands up for what they believe is right, not against what’s right. It’s about being an individual and refusing to follow a crowd that forces you to think the same way they do even if it means becoming an outcast to society. They’re straightforward and honest.’' - Urban Dictionary
The name describes us perfectly. It is the combination between being inventive, flexible, passionate (Rebel) and trustworthy, responsible, rigorous in execution (dot).
Our ‘’rebel’’ side is not about being aggressive or stubborn, it is about our way of doing things: offering different solutions for our clients and constantly challenging things. What describes us best is that we are pathfinders. We are rebels in thinking and rigorous in execution. Rebels with good manners, rebels that you can trust.
How about Leading the line?
Helping our clients get the most value for their investment in technology is what drives us. Increasingly, this means working with them as a full technical partner, starting with an initial consulting stage where we understand their needs and propose the optimal approach – or, “the line”, as we call it. Because of our ‘rebel’ approach to software development, oftentimes, our solutions are very different from our peers as we stand out through innovation. From there on out, we partner up and lead the line for our clients.
That’s it, folks!